Maxillo Facial Surgery 

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What Is Maxillofacial Surgery?

What Is Maxillofacial Surgery?

Tooth Replacement

You can probably tell by the name that maxillofacial surgery has something to do with the face and front part of the head. “Maxillo” is a Latin word root that means “jawbone.” Therefore, the term “maxillofacial” refers to the jawbones and the face, and maxillofacial surgery is a field of medicine specializing in treating conditions in this area through surgical procedures. A maxillofacial surgeon is a dental specialist with advanced medical knowledge regarding conditions affecting not only the teeth and jaws but also the bones and soft tissues of the face, as well as the training required to treat these conditions surgically and appropriately administer anesthesia. Because the mouth contains the teeth, is closely connected with the jaws, and comprises an integral part of the face, the term oral and maxillofacial surgeon is often applied to these professionals.

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Rruga Myslym Shyri, Tirane, Albania.